What Mobile Marketing Techniques Can UK Craft Breweries Implement to Target Local Audiences?

The ale-soaked ambience of a local UK pub is more than a relaxing social locale—it's an opportunity for craft breweries to promote their brands, engage customers and boost business. In the contemporary digital landscape, extending these efforts to mobile marketing, where the majority of the audience spends their time, becomes crucial. As a brewery company in the UK, you'll find that effective mobile marketing techniques can help to capture the attention of local beer lovers, cultivate a robust brand image and potentially increase your sales. This article will explore some of the top strategies for leveraging mobile marketing to reach your local audience.

Understanding Your Audience

Before delving into the mobile marketing strategies, it's crucial to comprehend who your audience is. The people who enjoy your beer will differ from one region to another and even between different pubs within the same locality. Understanding your audience's preferences, their beer drinking habits and the social media platforms they frequent is essential to develop an effective mobile marketing strategy.

The data collected through market research and customer interactions can help you to create a detailed audience persona, which will guide your marketing efforts. This persona can include demographics, behaviour patterns, motivations and goals. It's a powerful tool that can help you to personalise your marketing content, making it resonate with your audience and build strong relationships with them.

Creating Engaging Content

With a clear vision of your audience, the next step is to create engaging content. This is not just about promoting your products, but also about conveying the story behind your brand. Remember, people are not just buying your beer; they’re buying the experience and story that comes with it.

Craft breweries have a fantastic opportunity to create compelling content around their brewing process, the ingredients used, the people behind the product, and the brewery's history. You can also leverage user-generated content, such as customer reviews and testimonials, to build trust and persuade potential customers to try your products.

Make your content mobile-friendly. This means it should be easily viewable and navigable on a small screen, whether it's a blog post, a video, or an infographic. Also, consider the time and location when your audience will be viewing your content. For instance, a quick, entertaining video might be perfect for a commuter scrolling through their social media feed during their journey home.

Leveraging Social Media

Social media offers a free, accessible and powerful platform for breweries to engage with their local customers. It allows you to communicate your brand's personality, share updates, interact with customers and drive traffic to your website or physical locations.

However, it's not just about posting content—it's about engaging with your audience. Respond to comments, participate in conversations, host live Q&A sessions and ask for feedback. This not only helps to build a strong relationship with your customers but also provides valuable insights into their preferences and behaviours.

In addition to organic content, consider using paid social media advertising to reach a larger audience. You can target ads based on location, demographics and interests, making it a highly effective way to connect with potential customers in your locality.

Organising Events and Promotions

Events and promotions are a time-tested marketing strategy that can work wonders when executed correctly. Whether it's a beer tasting event at your brewery, a new product launch at a local pub, or a seasonal promotion, these activities can generate buzz and attract new customers.

Leveraging mobile technologies can help to enhance these events and promotions. For instance, you can use location-based marketing to send push notifications to your app users when they're near your brewery or a pub serving your beer. You can also use social media to promote your events, engage with participants, and share live updates.

Partnering with Local Businesses

Finally, partnering with local businesses can be a win-win strategy for breweries. This can involve collaborations with local pubs to serve your beers, or co-hosting events with businesses that share a similar audience. You can also collaborate with local influencers to promote your brand and products.

Such partnerships can help to increase your brand visibility, reach a larger audience and generate new business opportunities. It can also help to foster a sense of community, making your brand a part of the local fabric, and thus, more appealing to your audience.

In conclusion, mobile marketing presents a range of opportunities for craft breweries to reach and engage their local audience. It's about understanding your customers, creating engaging content, leveraging social media, organising events, and partnering with local businesses. With the right strategies and a mobile-first approach, you can enhance your brand's visibility, engage with your customers on a personal level, and ultimately, boost your business.

Going Beyond Traditional Advertising

Traditional advertising is no longer enough to capture the attention of the local audience. Moreover, it may not be the most cost-effective strategy for craft breweries, especially those with a limited marketing budget. Hence, it's about time to explore the possibilities of digital marketing.

Geo-targeted advertising is one such powerful tool that can be used to reach local audiences. For instance, you may deploy ads that target users within a specific radius of your brewery or associated pubs. This means that people who are in the vicinity and use their mobile devices to search for terms like 'craft beer' or 'local pubs' are more likely to see your ads.

Another great opportunity lies in email marketing. By collecting email addresses from your customers (with their consent, of course), you can send them personalised messages, offers, and updates about your brewery. This not only helps to keep your brand at the top of their minds but also nurtures a long-term relationship with them. Remember, it's all about making your customers feel special and valued.

An emerging trend in the beer industry is the use of AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) technologies. These can be used to provide a virtual tour of your brewery, demonstrate the brewing process, or even create an interactive beer tasting experience. Although not every brewery may have the resources to implement these technologies, they are worth considering for their potential to provide unique and immersive experiences for your customers.

Tapping into Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Word-of-mouth marketing is another effective strategy to reach local audiences. It's all about encouraging your customers to share their experiences with your brand. This could be achieved through referral programs, customer loyalty rewards, or contests that incentivise customers to share your content or recommend your brewery to their friends.

While user-generated content is a form of word-of-mouth marketing, it deserves special mention. Encouraging your customers to post about their experiences with your beer on social media or review sites can significantly boost your brand image. Not to mention, this authentic endorsement from real users can be far more persuasive than any paid advertising.

Lastly, don't forget about influencer marketing. Collaborating with local influencers who resonate with your brand can help to amplify your message and reach a larger audience. Remember, it's not just about the number of followers an influencer has—it's about their engagement rate and their followers' trust in their recommendations.


To summarise, mobile marketing offers an array of effective tools for UK craft breweries looking to target local audiences. It's not just about promoting your products—it's about telling your story, connecting with your audience on a personal level, and offering them an experience that goes beyond the beer. Whether it's through social media marketing, email marketing, geo-targeted advertising, AR/VR experiences, word-of-mouth marketing, or influencer collaborations, the key is to remain consistent in your messaging, keep your audience engaged, and continually adapt your strategies based on your audience's preferences and behaviours. With a well-executed mobile marketing strategy, craft breweries can boost their brand image, foster customer loyalty, and ultimately, drive business growth.